Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sticks and Stones

Every Sunday afternoon, five of us women meet. We share our lives, our stories, our struggles, and our gifts. We count our gifts as blessings all the while embracing the messy, the ugly, the painful parts of life.

Each week one of us is in charge of being the "gift-giver"
The gift giver brings "unlikely gifts"

Alicia was our giver today. She gave me sticks and and an empty earring box.I knew something would come of both of these gifts.

During our study we talked about how the people of Israel had a tradition of stacking stones as a memorial to remind them of something great that God has done.

To celebrate this tradition we decided to do a littlestone-stacking, but in a different sort of way.

We stacked our stones on canvas. 

As we talked through our study, Alicia painted us a black background on our canvas.
Each of us picked a color for our stone and we painted them on top of one another. Lastly, we chose a word to place on our stones. It truly turned out beautifully.

When I came home I thought about how I could use the art, along with my gifts of sticks and a jewelry box.

All I needed was my two favorite tools...
My glue gun and my scissors.

20 minutes later it was finished.

I call this piece "Sticks and Stones"

Ahhhh this is why I love Jesus!

When I listen to his voice
Things like this happen.

People ask me often how I come up with these ideas.
It's simple. 

When I am closest to Christ, he whispers 
creativity into my soul, and beautiful things happen!

What can you make with a few sticks and some stones?
Look for them this week.
Do something, share something, change something.

Remember to count your gifts and while you're counting
you will receive them as well.

"To receive a gift, the knees must bend humble and the
hand must lie vulnerably open and the will must bow
to accept whatever the Giver chooses to give." -Ann Voskamp

Be blessed this week!

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