Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Art in your Heart

Hi friends!
I've been a bad bad blogger.
I've been writing, just not here.
So, tonight I will share with you a piece of a kids book I am working on. 
The illustrations should be super-fun for this one!

Hope you enjoy it!

The Art in your Heart
There’s a place in your heart
with lots of light
It glitters and shines
and radiates bright
There’s canvases, brushes, and 
paints galore
Doodles and stripes
and so much more
There’s polka dots, squiggles, 
and peppermint trees
Butterflies, fairies, and
bumble bees
It’s the prettiest, happiest place in your heart
It’s easy to find if you just need to start
So pick up a paintbrush, some paper and pen
make your first mark and creation begins
There’s art in your heart
It’s inside every beat
and when you find it
Your heart is complete.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An image of God and a night spent with Christa Wells and Nicole Witt

March 15 2013.
This day I will never forget.
Not because of anything I did, but because of what God did. 

Every day God walks with us- guiding us, teaching us, loving us.
Some days though you can seriously feel and know he is holding your hand.

Well that day, God gave our community a gift through music I know many will also remember.
Christa Wells and Nicole Witt of More than Rubies, graced our new Mount Holly bakery, Queen Bee with their spirits. 

They emptied themselves to fill us up. 
Have you every thought that that's what artists do every.single.time they perform?
They give. We take. And everyone walks away from a song more blessed, more loved, and more okay with their weaknesses.

It's hard to choose a favorite song they sang because every song touched me in a different way. 
But there was one song that I knew slowed everyone's breathing for a bit and that was
"Image of God."

From the moment Nicole sets her bow on the string of her violin, to the last piano key Christa gently touches-- You see God, you hear God, you feel God.

What a blessing and what a gift to be the gift giver and the gift receiver of this song.

God was also gracious to give us time to spend together before they performed. Over salads we talked music, the messy and the beautiful bits of mothering, and the mere fact that we are all a whole lot more alike than we think. I sat with wisdom. I sat there with faith. I sat there with love. Christa Wells and Nicole Witt breathe wisdom, faith, and love through their conversation and music. I was so nervous I was gonna say something weird or dorky, but after a few words with them, I really didn't care if I did say something ridiculous. They were just that cool and kind.

As they set up and prepared, people from Mount Holly, Charlotte, and Matthews walked through our doors. The owners Freddie and Kerri Queen filled our bellies with warm coffee and the best sweet treats. I delighted in the white chocolate covered strawberries. Oh my were they good! It was so awesome to be a part of the orchestration of this beautiful evening.

You know, sometimes music can knock the very last breath out of you and it suddenly becomes your breath. And like my good friend Ashley Flowers says "by the end of some songs, you just need to take a big deep breath and then slowly let it go." 

I truly believe that music is like air for us.
There is not a day that goes by that a song doesn't lift and shift me.

I'll end with a story that happened prior to the concert. It happened around 2:30 in the afternoon.
I was walking with my son and we were listening to More than Rubies sing Image of God. The sun was out, birds were harmonizing along, and the wind moved the music along with perfect grace. As I listened, I suddenly looked up. The sky's canvas was marked. It was marked with the most beautiful image I have seen. The sky was painted with light in the center of a cross formed by the jet stream of a passing plane. Ahhh- God. I said hello to Him and snapped this picture. 

What an image. What a blessing.
Today I pray you find an image of God. 
They are everywhere if we just look up.

Be Blessed! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Is the queen of hearts always your best bet?

Desperado, by The Eagles, is one of my husband's favorite songs. One of mine, too!
Now, before you read any farther, I need you to go ahead and click play below.
It will make the whole reading experience better. I promise.

So, like I said this is a great song!

The Eagles used one word in this song that could have been replaced with a much better word.

The word is "Somebody"
At the near end of the song they tell us to "let somebody love you before it's too late?"

Now, I do fully agree with the notion that we need each other. Of course we do! And yes, I know the meaning behind the song and it's meant to tell the story of a man who won't settle down and needs to find his one true love before it's too late!


Who is that somebody?
And what are we gonna be late for?

I think it would be much better if we could somehow insert the word "Jesus"
That "somebody" came to earth and paid the price for my sins by His grace on the cross.
He is my "somebody" and it is NEVER EVER too late to let Him love you.

I'll bet "The Queen of Hearts" on that one.

And speaking of the Queen of Hearts. She is a great bet and everything.


I think our greatest bet, our greatest love, our greatest everything
is THE KING of them ALL (spades, diamonds, hearts, aces, and clubs)
Yep, every single one!

If you let the King love you, and you love him back...
You'll have all you need.
And maybe, just maybe, he'll give you that "somebody" you've been looking for.

Next time you see that Queen, remember your King. He's your best bet.
And when you're wishing for that "somebody" or "something"
Remember Jesus Christ fills that need first.

Last question for you...

Do your feet get cold in the wintertime?
Mine did today? Geesh this weather is confusing and cold!

Love and Grace my Friends!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Give to Live

There is a book about a tree that loses its purpose when it can no longer give a young boy what he needs. Do you remember what book I am referring to?  The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein... Oh my--- it is such a sweet story that speaks to kids and adults and everyone in between. The giving tree needed to give to live.

There is a great sea on the other side of our world that is a giver as well.
The Sea of Galilee is fed by the Jordan river and feeds itself back into the Jordan in the south.
Because it receives and in turn gives-- everything in and around it thrives and survives.

There is a song by Switchfoot about moving on, not looking back, and helping our world. Dare you to move is one of my favorite songs and is a reminder to pick myself up off the floor and serve the world regardless of my circumstances.

When you give you live.
When you give HE lives.
When you give others live too.

In living there is loving.

Live in love this week and give until you have nothing left to give.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My mystery card (from God)

Eight years ago this card arrived at my home on Meadowbrook Drive in West Virginia.
Each verse beautifully written and carefully selected for me.

Eight years ago, I was 22. Clueless. Fearful. Single. I'd graduated and accepted a Pharmaceutical Sales position 2 hours from my hometown. Life was one big ball of scary!

Things in my life were so uncertain and this was new for me because life had just always "worked."

So back to the card.

I remember opening it, thinking who in the world wrote this and signed their name as "God"
I called everyone who I suspected. None claimed to be "God in the card."

I never figured out who the card was from, so I just came to the conclusion that the great God of the universe must have just dropped me a little card in the mail as encouragement. Had to have been, right?

God wrote out 10 life verses for me. Here they are, with a little quick snippet of what they are teaching.

Romans 8:28- God is working for all things for good.
John 16:33- Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world
John 14:16- God will provide a comforter to be with us always
Matthew 10:30- The hairs of your head are numbered
Romans 5:3-4- Tribulation worketh patience, experience, and hope
James 1:2-3 Count it all joy!
James 1:9- Swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath
Romans 10:17- Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
John 15:18- If the world hated you, it hated me before it hated you.
Psalm 46:10- Be still and Know that I am God

Do you have verses that you feel like God constantly places in your lap?
If not, seek them, find them, listen for them.
They are there waiting for you!

I can not wait to take my card to Heaven one day and ask God to show me his handwriting and see if it matches this card!

In the meantime, I'll remember His words and thank him for

Monday, March 11, 2013

b.connected- isn't that what life is about anyway

People and Ideas.
We need them both.
And in order to connect with people and ideas, we need Jesus Christ.

Isn't He kinda like our bridge to all our connections we make in this life.
This life has creeks, streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans that divides up our world.
There is another great divide that exists between earth and eternity. And in order to
cross from one to the other.
God knew we needed a bridge.
So he sent that bridge in the form of a son, who built bridges with his disciples and the rest of the world while He was here.

There is no greater bridge we can cross, than that of THE CROSS.

As you connect with others today, remember who your bridge builder was and is.
Thank him for your friends, your family, your ideas.

As a reminder of connections we make, our women's bibly study made the picture frame above. Each person had a hand in creating this frame. And now it rests in my home as a reminder of my great friends and the best bridge builder I know!

Be Blessed and b.Connected my friends!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

For your weekend...

What is your weekend going to be like?


Every person I know loves the weekends
Well, excluding those who work on the weekends.
Oops, sorry if you are one of those people!

Here are a few ideas to have a filled, yet relaxed kinda weekend.

Take a walk and enjoy the spring preview.
Although spring is not here quite yet, God has given us a sneak peek 
at the coming attractions that we are all anticipating. Walk slowly, 
be thankful, and let the sun and the son grace your face.

Wonder if the stars will be out tonight?
If so, stop and look at them. Wish upon them. Count them.
Listen to this song.
Starlight, By Rachael Yamagata
It is a great song

What else can you do?

Read, The Noticer by Andy Andrews
Watch, Argo
Listen to 90's Pop on Pandora
Do something kind for someone else
Try out a new pinterest recipe.
Get out your bible, and take some time to read the Sermon on the Mount.

Just have a filled, fun, and relaxed weekend.

Be Blessed

Thursday, March 7, 2013


12:2 says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

                    Translation-- b.Different

You know the saying... 
"March to the beat of your own drum."

Well, that's a good saying and all, but I go by the belief that we should march to the beat of God's drum. His drum beat is steady, sure, and leads us in the right direction.

God wants us to be different. He wants us to use our gifts/talents to make the world a better place and you can't go about doing that if you're hiding behind who you really are!

This month at A Place to Land we will be creating gumball machines from small flower pots. A friend of mine had made one and being the GUM-LOVER that I am I LOVED IT! I also loved the idea of taking something that was intended for a flower and using it for something completely different!

I hope you can make it on March 19 at 6:00! We will definitely have a great time and the coffee will be brewed and waiting! Come delight in the different.

In the meantime, ponder this thought...

"You will never influence the world by trying to be like it."

Friday, March 1, 2013

Grace for your weekend...

As you enter your weekend, invite love
 and peace into your home. 
Invite laughter, joy, and moments 
you'll never forget
Treat people better than they deserve

Grace for the weekend

(b.Blessed with a good book) - If you are looking for a good book on grace and raising children, Grace-Based Parenting is a wonderful source. We have been reading it during our evening meals and learning a lot about ways we hope to shepherd our Weston's life.

(b.Blessed with music) - I am so super excited about Christa Wells and Nicole Witt of More than Rubies coming to Queen Bee Bakery on March 15. Here is a little sneak peek of music they will be playing! Oh, these ladies are just seriously breathing God's word into the world.

(b.Blessed with beauty)- I made this frame for a friend. What can you frame this weekend? Remember to look for the beauty wherever you land.

(b.Blessed with scripture)  Rest in the verses from Matthew 5-- The Sermon on the Mount
The poor, the sad, the meek, the merciful, the hungry, the thirsty, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, the persecuted. -- GOD love us ALL and is preparing a place better than we can ever imagine of dream of!