Monday, October 28, 2013

Art Isn't Ours.

"I don't believe there is one great thing I was made to do in this world. I believe there is one great God I was made to glorify. And there will be many ways, even a million little ways, I will declare his glory with my life." - Emily Freeman

Isn't this profound?
Because it seems like so many of us are looking.
We are looking and searching for one great thing.
One thing that makes us feel defined and purposeful.
One thing that props us up and sets us apart.
Because we want to matter.

But what if the pursuit of that one great thing, is getting in the way of the One great God who has a million things for us to do while here on His earth?

His earth.
We sometimes forget that don't we.

We forget that the creator God blew this place into being.
And he formed us from dust.
And created us to live His glory out on the world's stage.

But the more we step up to the platform. The higher we exalt our own selves.
Our purpose. Our desires. Our art.

Our purpose, desires and art aren't ours.
They belong to our creator, and flow out from us.

Take a step down and lay yourself low today.
Look up and let God move through your hands and feet, your heart and your mind.
Look inside and find your art you were meant to live today.

It's there, because He's there.
And the world needs to see His glory through you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a great reminder