Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days to Finding the Art in your Heart


We've all got it.

It's there.

Waiting in our hearts.
Ready for flight.

And for the next 31 days, I'll be linking up with The Nester for 31 Days of 2013

My topic is "Finding the Art in your Heart." Thousands of bloggers from all over will be participating and I would love for you to join in the discovering  of what kind of artist you are. I am so happy to be partnering with my dear friend, Lizzie Branch. She and I met at She Speaks this summer and I am so excited for her new adventure, as she opens up her studio in Clayton, NC! We decided to make this a collaborative effort, so we will both be writing on the same topic. We know God will use our writing to connect us to one another and with YOU!

Neither of us has a plan.
We don't know what will come of our writing.
We just know God moves when people gather.
So will you gather with us, daily?

We need communion.
We need connection.
We need creativity.

Welcome October.
Our hearts are open.

Today, my friend, Emily Freeman at Chatting at the Sky released her book, A Million Little Ways. I can not wait to get my  heart in this book SOON, as I know it will serve as a guidebook this month.

Take some time to check out her book trailer. Her words are like food for the soul.

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