Tuesday, September 24, 2013

her life...

Her life has always been beautiful.

I met her when I was 10.

She and I share so many sweet memories.

I've watched her grow...from infant, to toddler, to a young lady, and now a beautiful woman.

Her life is a living example, a testimony, and a song sung back to the Saviour.

And now she is nearing the end of her college journey and stepping out into a greater world. I can not wait to see where God places her.

So to my friend, Claire Cottrill, this is my prayer for you.

Praying for peace as you tend to the rest of this year.
Praying for grace to greet you upon each day.
Praying for discernment to meet you in each decision you make.
Praying for your faith and for God to do great things in your life.

I am amazed at how you have lived your life and I feel blessed to call you friend.

Who is your her?
Or him?

Tell them today.
They need to hear it.

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