Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Days Matter...

Today, our not-so-little boy started preschool. A new beginning.
Today, his parents waved goodbye. A new goodbye.

What a blessing to watch the first day unfold. And an even greater blessing knowing he is in good, God loving hands.

One little step today, paved the way for many more, as this not-so-little boy walked into a new world. A world of play, and fun, and friends. 

We strapped his backpack on and gave him a red apple, a gift for Mrs. Kim, his teacher.
Our not-so little boy, wanted to test out the apple and make sure it was ripe enough for his new teacher.
Mrs. Kim did not get an apple today. Ha.

These boys, oh these boys. They are precious. And their daddies, they watch them so closely. Their daddies will pave the way, showing the boys how to be men. Men of integrity, of faith, of God.

We walked into this new beginning with old friends. Friends who have always been there. Friends you know God placed in your life on purpose. Walking in with familiarity, makes a heart beat slow a bit.
We felt that today. Together.

The classroom door was closed. A few children had arrived. We walked through it with them. Together.

His teacher- so loving, so kind, so perfect for my son. A gift she is. With her help, he will grow.
His friends- 6 boys and 2 girls, some old friends and some new. Together, they will grow.

We watched them as parents, not teachers. Being on the other side of it, when you are the one walking away and leaving. It's a different feeling. A good feeling. A feeling that is unforgettable.

We walked away tearless. We were okay.
We slowly turned the corner. 
Reminiscing began. 
"How do they grow so fast?"
"This time last year, they couldn't walk or talk?"
"Remember, when they....?

Our voices trembled a bit.
Our eyes wet with mommy tears.
Our hearts happy, but still a little unsettled.
Knowing things don't slow down from here.

A day of hello and goodbye's
A day of unknown.
A day that we can never get back.
First days matter.

Here we go.
A new hello.
A new goodbye.
Thank you God.

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