Friday, March 1, 2013

Grace for your weekend...

As you enter your weekend, invite love
 and peace into your home. 
Invite laughter, joy, and moments 
you'll never forget
Treat people better than they deserve

Grace for the weekend

(b.Blessed with a good book) - If you are looking for a good book on grace and raising children, Grace-Based Parenting is a wonderful source. We have been reading it during our evening meals and learning a lot about ways we hope to shepherd our Weston's life.

(b.Blessed with music) - I am so super excited about Christa Wells and Nicole Witt of More than Rubies coming to Queen Bee Bakery on March 15. Here is a little sneak peek of music they will be playing! Oh, these ladies are just seriously breathing God's word into the world.

(b.Blessed with beauty)- I made this frame for a friend. What can you frame this weekend? Remember to look for the beauty wherever you land.

(b.Blessed with scripture)  Rest in the verses from Matthew 5-- The Sermon on the Mount
The poor, the sad, the meek, the merciful, the hungry, the thirsty, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, the persecuted. -- GOD love us ALL and is preparing a place better than we can ever imagine of dream of!

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