My mom would tell me that every night as she tucked my little girl self in my little girl bed.
I remember believing her, but the idea of being a "woman" was so far away, it was a bit hard to wrap my little girl mind around.
After that mom would ask me "what-if" questions.
"What if a stranger asked you to get in their car?"
"What if you got lost at the mall?"
"What if a friend tried to influence you with drugs?"
What if?
She was trying to equip my little girl self with a little big girl wisdom.
She knew the importance of asking good questions.
This morning, as I sit in the quiet of the day's beginnings, I have so many "what if's."
What if I lived every day fully surrendered to Christ?
What if I set aside one hour of my day to read the word, and meditate on it's truth?
What if I let me anxious heart, rest more in the peace that surpasses all understanding?
What if?
Attending the Proverbs 31 ministries, She Speaks conference this weekend was a gift. I learned so much in 2 days and am still processing all of the truth and beauty I heard from the hearts of some amazing women.
But, what if my mom wouldn't have funded that trip?
What if I had not met those women who changed my life and the way I think?
What if I had not had the courage to meet with a publisher?
What if God specifically placed every single woman, 750 of us, in that time and place for a reason and a purpose?
He did.
I know it.
I felt it.
I saw it.
What kind of what-if questions do you have?
Try listing a few today, and begin listening to what God has to say?
Because what-if he has an answer that will change your life forever.
What if a blessing is waiting right around the corner for you, friend.
Don't miss it.
Don't miss a thing.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
What if we humbled ourselves and prayed?
What if we heard from Heaven?
What if our land can still be healed?
What if, my friends, what if?
Hope you enjoyed your landing