Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Oak Inside the Acorn

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn” -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Oak Inside the Acorn

A few years ago my mom bought me this book, The Oak Inside the Acorn. This book, by Max Lucado, tells the story of a little acorn that is so scared about leaving his mother Oak. Before he falls from her limbs, she tells him over and over again that " Within you is a great oak. Just be the tree God made you to be." As you journey with the little acorn, you hear of his fears and worries, but as he matures and grows, he begins to understand what his mother meant all along. Although this book is intended for young children, it is a perfect reminder to us as adults that God is still working in us and through us. This sweet story of the acorn is a powerful moral lesson, one of growth, regeneration, potential, patience, and faith. This week I will be reading this story to all the second graders at Ida Rankin, in hopes they will take away this message and walk away wondering "Wonder what I could be one day?" Have a blessed week everyone!

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