Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 1: 31 Days of Places and Prayers

According to the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic names, there are 248,752 cities listed in its database.
Each city is part of this world for a purpose. Each city serves as a part of the story, a part of history and a part of the future.

I chose this particular topic for my 31 days because I love learning about our world and discovering new places and spaces that God created.

As I spun my globe around this morning, wondering where my eyes would land, I first noticed Poland. I dug a little deeper and found the city of Kalisz. A city located on the Prosna river with many notable factories. What intrigued me most was that it is the centre for traditional folk art. Hmmm, a value of art that is not based on proportion and perspective? Just my style!

It is the oldest city in Poland and was home to nearly 250,000 Jews, but many were murdered by the Nazis in the summer of 1942. Its name stems from the Celtic term, cal, which means stream or swamp.

I encourage to seek more information about this city and join me in prayer as we focus on Kalisz.


Lord this morning I lift up to you a city. A city that has a story. One I had never heard of. A city that has seen destruction and beauty lifted up around it. Today I pray that the city of Kalisz will seek you. I pray that their love for out of the box art will grow. I pray for your grace and peace to abide there.


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