Becoming a mom---- This is my first blog post regarding this topic and (oh-wow) where shall I even begin. In an attempt to read as many "parenting" books as possible throughout my pregnancy, I have come to the conclusion that regardless of what I read, I just won't know until I experience it all! However, I do believe that the best thing I can do now is to prepare my heart for motherhood by strengthening my daily walk with God and pray for wisdom as I do become a mom. This weekend I thought I would jot down, what I believe to be, important aspects of motherhood. Here is my list:
Availability, Involvement, Teaching, Training, Discipline,Nurture, Modeling Integrity, and Memory Making. These are just a few as the list is never-ending! Each week I am going to focus on a different aspect and do my best to zone in on the details of each. So this week is
Availability. The key verse I attached to this was
Deuteronomy 6:6-7---
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your heart. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. This verse teaches me that I have the responsibility of impressing the Word each and every day into my children's hearts. All I can do now though is get my heart in shape, so I can help shape another. One book that my mom recently got for me is called Checklist for Life: For Moms. It is packed with little bits of wisdom to share with your kids. I love it and can't wait to use it one day (once I get all the diapering, eating, and sleeping down). Be Blessed!
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