Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finding Inspiration

I have been a bad blogger. May 9th was my last post and I must admit that I have truly missed my daily blogging. The end of the school year is to blame. I decided today that enough was enough and that I needed to stop using that as my excuse. So, here's my unofficial comeback to my blog!

I thought I would tell you all about my NEW FAVORITE website that my friend Ginni told me about. It is called Craft Gawker. The URL is This site is a pool of inspiration, and gives you that "kid in a candy shop" feeling--- if you like DIY projects! Here are a few projects I think look desirable.
Crocheted Rocks
Crocheted Beach Stones

Repurposing old materials to make a key holder
Crafty Ways to Never Lose Your Keys

Doily Envelopes

Doilies and Lace DIY Projects

Overalls (Now I can't sew, but I may need to learn to make these)
Purple Overalls

and I saved my favorite find for last..... Bird Nest Necklaces. This WILL be made!
Bird Nest Necklace

Now it's your turn! You got search and find inspiration. Please let me know what you find!
Have Fun!

1 comment:

Tracey @ Kitchen Playground said...

Welcome back!! My inspirations are similar to yours ... but food related, of course! - the sites foodgawker and tastespotting. :-)