I have loved BOOKS for as long as I can remember. Great books take you to new places, teach you new things, and challenge you to go beyond what you already are. I have a variety of books that serve a variety of purposes. Finally, they have graduated from my closet shelf to their own little home in our new library. I have always wanted a library. My grandmother had and still has one in her house and I love to walk in and just browse all her books. We found our bookshelves at Ikea and they are full of books and objects that tell a story about our lives. Daniel and I each have our own glass case with different things that explain why we are the way we are. My side has my log home, where I grew up, a clock set to the time of our wedding, a film lovers journal and my grandfather's homemade cookbook. Daniel's side includes his pictures from his travels, his Snake Eyes GiJoe, and Optimus Prime Transformer. If you came into my library, these are some of books that you would find on my shelf. 1. Five 2. Goldie Hawn: A Lotus Grows in the Mud 3. The Leadership Challenge 4. Couples Who Pray 5. The Noticer 6. The Pact 7. Three Weeks with My Brother 8. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families 9. Parenting isn't for Coward 10. Living Artfully
These are just a few that stand out to me that have made an impression! What books do you have on your shelf? I love hearing about great books. I am currently reading Outlive Your Life By Max Lucado.
Happy Reading Y'all and please share your favorites!